Yin Yang, an ancient Chinese philosophy, encapsulates the concept of dualism and balance within the universe. Represented by the iconic symbol of swirling black and white, it embodies the interdependent nature of opposites. This Yin Yang puzzle is inspired by the yin yang theory, featuring orange and blue colors on the two sides of the circle. The orange color could be regarded as warmth and enthusiasm, and the blue could be regarded as coldness and sobriety
Premium Wooden Gift Box
The size is about a book. It will be a beautiful gift for everyone, on any occasion
Unique and Whimsy Pieces
Each puzzle piece has its own unique shape. An exciting game is suitable for school children and adults
High-precision Laser Cut
Using laser-cutting technologies so pieces lock and fit tightly together
What You Get – 1 x unique shape wooden jigsaw puzzles for adults are crafted with premium quality , 1 x wooden gift box, 1 x Wooden support.